Jan 30, 2023
I’m Eva! Welcome to Fierce Rich Money. Where financial independence is in your reach.
I started this to share with you what I did to get out of debt and grow my wealth.
We discuss anything that will help us lead a wealthier, more fulfilling, and easier life.
I was in debt and searching for a way out. The websites and resources I found were disappointing. The advice I found was actually keeping me in debt.
I’ve been good at making money, but not great at keeping it or spending it wisely. I finally had enough of the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, the stress, anxiety and lost sleep. I knew it was time to get a handle on it. Better late than never.
I consulted the expert – Google.
Here’s some of the things I found in my search
- Ivy league educated men talking down to me
- Recent college grads who paid off their student loans and saved $100k in 20 minutes.
- Type A personalities telling me wake at 4am to cook dinner and budget
- Overly complicated spreadsheets and calculations
- Those claiming I can make a ton of money, retire young by getting involved with a MLM
- Those who have paid off a gazillion dollars but don’t mention it’s with 2 incomes
- The most boring Karen’s dryly telling me what I’m doing wrong with my life
Where’s the advice and strategies for the rest of us???
- Single moms working hourly jobs.
- Families living on 1 income
- Those of us who think it’s ok to enjoy life
Do you know what’s worse than condescension I found? Shamers. Yes, I did get into debt, I take full responsibility for it, I’m doing my best with the little I’ve been taught. I’m trying to get out of debt. Telling me that wanting a pedicure is evil isn’t helpful. Please stop calling me stupid, an idiot and moron.
Part of the problem is they don’t teach most of us the basics. So it can be confusing and intimidating. We’re not taught that we can have our money work for us and not just us work for money. It’s like they’re keeping this a big secret because if the masses found out, we would revolt.
Then came the Ah-ha moment when I discovered that budgeting each paycheck as I received it was the problem. It kept me on the hamster wheel. This type of budgeting is what’s keeping us poor and stressed out. The stress of paycheck to paycheck is awful. The constant checking your bank app to see if your check has cleared so you can buy groceries, pay your rent or make a car payment. The fear of missing just 1 day of work is devastating. Don’t get me started on the $1000 emergency fund scam.
The stress of paycheck to paycheck living keeps you in a poverty mindset. Mindset is everything. Not just with money, but with everything in our lives. Going in with the wrong mindset will doom you to failure.
Example my friend and I joined weight watchers. As we were walking in, I asked her “do you think there will be snacks.” Needless to say we crashed and burned.
I started the blog and channel to share with you the things I’ve done to get out of debt and grow my money. I lost my job in 2020. Of course, I bought my car the day before the world shut down. But that was ok because I had a handle on my finances. If I didn’t things would be so different. I totally love the car.
My plan of action takes work. Setting it all up takes some time but once you put the work in upfront, it then becomes easy. Before you know it you’re almost out of debt, growing your wealth and not stressed out and losing sleep because you don’t know how you’re going to buy groceries.
At times you will hate this program. At times it’s not easy. At times you’ll want to give up. You do have to make sacrifices. Trust me I know. But as long as you’re moving forward, no matter how slowly, you’ll get there. It will take longer than 20 minutes, but you will get there. But you don’t need to eat rice and beans every night unless you want to. I’m part Brazilian so I love rice and black beans with farofa.
Consuming is not a bad thing. It becomes a bad thing when we can’t afford the lifestyle. Or you’re only buying to keep up with your friends or to fill a void.
I created my own method, and by create, I mean stumbled upon it totally by accident. It will work for you. But it takes work.
I will never forget the day I was no longer living paycheck to paycheck, I was living paycheck to every other paycheck.
I know it sounds like a joke. But let me tell you about the relief I started to feel. If I miss a day of work because my sons school is closed or I’m sick and out of sick time, it’s ok, I won’t fall behind.
It’s doesn’t have to be overly complicated. It’s mindset and a plan. You will have to dedicate time to it, you will work hard and it won’t be fun at times. You will shed a tear. The next time you cry, it will be because you’re building real wealth.
There are people out there who don’t want you to be financially independent because it’s easier to exploit and take advantage of you when you’re in debt. People in control of their financial life have more and better options and don’t need to put up with as much crap.
The more we share and support each other, the better it is for all of us. Let’s take this journey together.
I hope you’ll join me in taking charge of your life and becoming financially secure.